Dr. Éva Bóka — Short Curriculum Vitae

Éva Bóka, PhD, Dr. Habil is a researcher and past lecturer in history.

She has received her PhD degree in history from the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest in 1997. She attained the degree of Doctor Habilitata (Dr. Habil) by the University of Pécs (Hungary) in 2007. She was awarded the title of honorary associate professor by the Senate of the Corvinus University of Budapest in 2011.

Her researches, publications and courses cover four major fields: 1. The history of the early-modern European diplomacy and the relationship of Europe with the Ottoman Empire; 2. Central European and Hungarian political thinkers on the democratization of the states and the international relations; 3. The history of the idea of European unity and the history of European integration. 4. Modernization (democratization) of the states and the international relations in the Western World and East Asia (United States, Europe (EU), China, Japan, and South-Korea).

She was reviewer of the official journal of the Südost-Institut (called Südost-Forschungen) in Germany (Munich) where she also published several papers about the history of the relations between the Ottoman Empire and Europe in the 17th century; she worked as researcher at the East European Institute (Oost-Europa Instituut) of the Amsterdam University on the topic of the East European political thinkers in the 19th and 20th century; she was part of a EU PHARE Project within the framework of the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest aiming to introduce European Studies at the Hungarian Universities (History of the European idea and European integration); she founded and was the research lead of the Rethinking Europe Research Group at the International Relations Multidisciplinary Doctoral School of the Corvinus University of Budapest as honorary associate professor.

As a lecturer she has taught MA Erasmus and PhD courses, in Hungarian and in English, at different universities (Eötvös Loránd University, Corvinus University of Budapest, University of Pécs) on the history of the idea of European unity, on the theory and practice of European integration, and on the modernization of the states and the international relations in Europe and East Asia. She participated also in the teaching activities of the Institute for Social and European Studies Foundation (Kőszeg).

She published several papers in various journals in Hungary, Germany, and the United States, and gave lectures in Hungary and Italy. She is the author of the following six books: Az európai egységgondolat fejlődéstörténete (The History of the Idea of European Unity). Napvilág, Budapest, 2001; Európa és az Oszmán Birodalom a 16-17. században (Europe and the Ottoman Empire in the 16th and 17th centuries), L'Harmattan Publisher, Budapest–Paris, 2004; Az európai integráció. Elméletek történelmi perspektívában

(The European Integration. Theories in a Historical Perspective), Corvina, Budapest, 2008; Európa és Ázsia. Modernizáció és globalizáció (Europe and Asia. Modernization and Globalization). Grotius Könyvtár 4. The Book Series of the Institute of International Relations of the Corvinus University of Budapest, Veszprém, 2010; Az európai föderalizmus alternatívája Közép-Európában, 1849-1945 (The Alternative of European Federalism in Central Europe, 1849-1945). Dialóg Campus Publisher, Budapest, 2011; Modernizáció és értékrend: A nyugati világ, Törökország és Kelet-Ázsia (Modernization and Value System: The Western World, Turkey and East-Asia). L’Harmattan Publisher, Budapest, 2016.

See her complete publication list for further details.